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    Precautions for outdoor LED display

    The outdoor LED display screen can really improve the image of the city, and the advertising forms are also flexible. However, during the use of outdoor LED display screen, there are still some matters needing attention:
    1. Structural design
    Outdoor LED display generally has a large area, so it is very heavy. Installed in the outdoor LED display, the home page needs to pay attention to the design of the structure. The installation structure should take into account: wind resistance, earthquake resistance, load-bearing and other major factors; secondly, the shape, structure and external decoration design of the screen should be coordinated with the attached building or environment; thirdly, local environmental factors, such as air humidity, air salt and alkali content (coastal city), etc., should be considered.

    2. Light pollution

    In recent years, with the popularity of LED display screen, the concept of "light pollution" has been proposed. So is the LED display "light pollution"? According to the current international definition of light pollution, it is usually divided into three categories: light pollution, artificial day pollution and color light pollution. At present, China only has relevant regulations on the glass curtain wall in the white light pollution, and there is no relevant regulations on the artificial day and color light pollution. But considering that color light pollution does cause people to feel uncomfortable, it should belong to "light pollution". In the design of display screen, the problem of light pollution prevention and control has been considered. According to the reasons, our products take the corresponding solutions. 1. Reasonably plan the display area and installation position according to the viewing distance, viewing angle, surrounding environment and the requirements of display content. Instead of blindly pursuing large area and significant position. 2. The selection and design of broadcast content large-scale giant display screen is the public media, including public welfare, advertising, instruction and so on. When we choose the content to be broadcast, we must reach an agreement with the public's requirements to avoid the psychology of rejection. 3. Multi level gray correction technology improves color softness. LED display products use more gray levels, so that the color looks soft, natural transition. 4. The brightness of the environment in different time and place varies greatly by using the brightness adjustment system that can be automatically adjusted. If the display screen's playing brightness is greater than the environment's too much, it will cause people's eyes to not adapt, especially the brightness difference between day and night is relatively large, causing light pollution. Our automatic brightness adjustment system can automatically convert the playing brightness suitable for the environment, avoiding light pollution 。 In recent years, many LED display manufacturers have done a lot of work in the field of light pollution. The degree of light pollution is greatly reduced, which makes a great contribution to enriching our visual space and lighting a better life.

    3. Low carbon, energy saving
    LED display has been attached importance to energy conservation and environmental protection since its appearance. LED is the synonym of energy conservation. Compared with the traditional lighting products, the energy-saving advantages of LED are quite obvious and outstanding. In the near future, there is a trend of full power to replace the traditional lighting. With the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection all over the world, we can hear low carbon, energy conservation and emission reduction everywhere, and feel people's efforts for environmental protection: urban electric taxi; LED road lamp; solar energy + wind energy street lamp; fluorine-free refrigerator air conditioning, etc. are the most real feelings in our life. The light-emitting materials used in LED display are energy-saving products. However, due to the large area of outdoor display screen, the power consumption is still large. At present, many outdoor LED display manufacturers have launched more energy-saving and low-carbon outdoor LED display products in response to the call of the world energy organization and consideration of the long-term development interests of the industry. Their power consumption has greatly improved compared with the previous display. Outdoor LED display, because of the great changes in ambient brightness in the daytime and at night, we can achieve the effect of energy saving and emission reduction by automatically adjusting the brightness of outdoor LED display.

    category: Industry news

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