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    LED screen literacy

    What is led display

    LED panel: LED is the abbreviation of light emitting diode. It is a display mode by controlling the semiconductor light-emitting diode. Its general appearance is composed of many small red lights, which display characters by the light on and off. It is used to display text, graphics, images, animations, quotations, videos, video signals and other information.

    LED display screen is divided into graphic display screen and video display screen, which are composed of LED matrix block. The graphic display screen can synchronously display Chinese characters, English texts and graphics with the computer; the video display screen is controlled by the microcomputer, with both graphics and images, and can broadcast various information in a real-time, synchronous and clear way of information dissemination, and can also display two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation, video recording, TV, VCD programs and live scene. LED display screen has bright colors, strong three-dimensional sense, static as oil painting, dynamic as film, widely used in finance, tax, industry and commerce, post and telecommunications, sports, advertising, factories and mining enterprises, transportation, education system, stations, docks, airports, shopping malls, hospitals, hotels, banks, securities markets, construction markets, auction houses, industrial enterprise management and other public places.

    LED display can display changing numbers, words, graphics and images; it can be used not only in indoor environment but also in outdoor environment, with the advantages that projector, TV wall and LCD can't match.

    The reason why LED is widely valued and rapidly developed is inseparable from its own advantages. These advantages are summarized as follows: high brightness, low working voltage, small power consumption, miniaturization, long life, shock resistance and stable performance. The development prospect of LED is very broad. At present, it is developing in the direction of higher brightness, higher weather resistance, higher luminous density, higher luminous uniformity, reliability and panchromatic.

    category: Industry news

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